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Meet Your Chief Inspiration Officer

Jennifer Hohman is Chief Information Officer and VP at Seadrill, but don't let that intimidate you too much. As an executive, she embodies all the qualities we want to see in a leader, in technology or otherwise: forward-looking, collaborative, responsive, and fiercely committed to helping her peers and their teams succeed. If you pictured a stereotypical C-suite exec in the petroleum industry, she smashes that stereotype to bits.

She talks to Michele about the current state of work in oil&gas, both in terms of job candidates and the future of the industry. Jennifer is passionate about what she does, and she dispels some myths about the energy industry, women in leadership, and achieving real diversity in the workplace.

Anyone interested in the heart and mind of a leader should give this a watch/listen - Jennifer brings not only the skills and the knowledge to drive business success at a high level, but she also exemplifies what a real change maker looks like. She's also very critical of current corporate models when it comes to accommodating the human dimension of people's lives, from trauma to grief to everyday mental health. Check this episode out for more on empathetic leadership and being your authentic self in your career.



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